Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jocular Jaunt Overs: Family is Ruining Facebook Edition

Sick of having to explain to mom that your sexually suggestive status updates are song lyrics? Really wishing your aunt and uncle weren't leaving concerned comments on your photo album from that booze infused weekend in Chicago? Just jaunt on over to Oh Crap My Parents Joined Facebook and replace that frustration with hilarious screenshots of family facebooking faux pas.

* Thanks to John for the link!


Eva Destruction said...

There is the parents-just-don't-understand awkwardness of Facebook, but there's also the I-don't-really-want-to-see-their-boozed-up-weekend-pictures-or-sexually-suggestive-status aspect too...

tinylisa said...

My new favorite thing is the customizable security and privacy settings!! You can create groups (such as "family") and block them all from seeing certain things.It's awesome. Glad to tutor anyone wh needs it.

Lucé said...

totally sweet. i will investigate.

Unknown said...

that website provided many good hearty laughs!

facebook is becoming increasingly complicated and not worth of my time -- customizalble security and privacy settings? at this point, i just don't put anything on there that i wouldn't want my grandma seeing, well, for the most part.